Chicken Fricassée with Seasonal Asparagus
I discovered the beautiful blog of Sonia (“La Cuisine de Boomy” @soniab57) through her fantastic Facebook Group “tests de recettes entre blogueurs”. This Group is a GEM and Sonia with her team have been so welcoming from the get-go! This July 2023, she is Celebrating her Birthday and on the group, as a blogger you can propose your blog where everyone can choose a recipe from ; or as a non-blogger you can choose a special ingredient. Sonia has many WW recipes and I was very excited to enjoy this one from her blog, Joyeux Anniversaire Sonia! Of course, you will find her recipe right HERE!
I hope your will Enjoy this French Classic as much as I did! Bon Appétit!
Need some inspiration? For more Chicken Recipes, click HERE!
As always, you will find the Step-by-Step Video below the recipe.

Chicken Fricassée with Seasonal Asparagus
- 8 oz (226.8 g) asparagus
- 8 oz (225 g) white mushrooms (Washed | Pat Dry | Sliced)
- 22 oz (625 g) Chicken breasts (Diced)
- 1 Tbsp (15 g) olive oil
- 5 1/2 oz (155 g) Chicken Stock (Original Recipe Calls for Water with a chicken cube)
- 4 oz (115 g) Greek yogurt
- lemon thyme (Original Recipe uses Tarragon)
- Sel Gris Mill (Season to Taste)
- Pepper Mill (Season to Taste)
- Place your Medium Round Flexipan® Mold on the top of a microwave safe plate. Add your washed and cut asparagus. Cover with Octagonal Bonmat. Microwave on high for 3 minutes. Once ready, carefully remove the Octagonal Bonmat. Set aside.
- Wash, clean and slice your mushrooms in halves or quarters depending on their sizes. Set aside.
- Diced your chicken breasts into 1" / 3 cm cubes, they will cook uniformly that way.
- Heat a large frying pan on medium-high. Once hot, pour the olive oil. Add the chicken breasts and cook for 3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Season with Salt and Pepper (To taste).
- In a small bowl, mix in the chicken stock with the Greek Yogurt. Pour it on top of the chicken to dissolve the brown residue stuck to the pan into the sauce.
- Adjust the heat to medium-low, add the mushrooms and the lemon thyme. Let it simmer for 5 minutes.
- Once your Light Chicken Fricassée is ready, serve hot with rice and dress the asparagus around! Enjoy and Bon Appétit!
Special Notes

Avec cette recette je valide ma participation au défi anniversaire du groupe Facebook “tests de recettes entre blogueurs” du mois de Juillet 2023. Je souhaite un joyeux anniversaire à notre Sonia du blog “La Cuisine de Boomy” chez qui j’ai déniché cette délicieuse recette.

je vient de guetter ton blog bravooooooooo il est tres bien monté , bizzzzzzzzzz
Coucou Betty, je suis touchée par ta visite et bienvenue chez moi! J’espère que l’anglais ne te dérangera pas, il y a toujours Google au pire LOL. Grosses Bises, ~Nessa
non ne tk pas sa va aller , bizzzzzzzzz
Super alors! Grosses bises et passes un excellent 14 Juillet! ~Nessa
il n’y a que des bonnes choses que j’aime dans ce petit plat! les photos mettent en appétit ! miam miam miam ! je te souhaite un bon week end, gros bisous !
Merci tout plein Emilie, on s’est régalé et comme c’était light c’était parfait pour le déjeuner. Grosses Bises, ~Nessa