Blood Orange Chicken with Mango
Experience the sensational blend of tastes as you savor this extraordinary blood orange chicken paired with mango and coconut rice. The perfect combination for a delicious meal!
Enjoy this delicious recipe and please let me know how you liked it!
Looking for some inspiration?… For more Chicken Recipes, click HERE! and for more Blood Orange Recipes, click HERE!
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Blood Orange Chicken with Mango
- 6 Chicken Thighs
- 1 blood orange (Juice + Zest)
- 2 Tbsp (28 g) olive oil
- 1 tsp (2 g) ground coriander
- 1 Tbsp (14 g) olive oil
- 1 sweet onion (Large | Chopped)
- 4.41 oz (125 g) Chicken Stock (Divided)
- 1 blood orange (Peeled | Diced)
- 1 mango (Peeled | Diced | Original recipe calls for 1/4)
- Sel Gris Mill (Season To Taste)
- Pepper Mill (Season To Taste)
MARINADE PREPARATION (my personal addition from the Original Recipe)
- To a Ziploc bag, add the chicken thighs, the juice and zest from 1 blood orange, the olive oil and ground coriander. Seal and massage the bag in order for the chicken to be nicely coated with the marinade. Place in the refrigerator until ready to cook (2 hours minimum, or best overnight).6 Chicken Thighs, 1 blood orange, 2 Tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp ground coriander
- Take your ziploc bag out of the refrigerator. Set aside.
- Add the olive oil to a large frying pan and cook the chopped onions until translucent on a medium-low heat for about 5 minutes.1 Tbsp olive oil, 1 sweet onion
- Pour the chicken/marinade in your frying pan along with 1/3 of the chicken stock. Cook on medium-low heat for about 8 minutes.4.41 oz Chicken Stock
- Dice your blood orange. NOTE: You can save the zest as well or add it to your chicken recipe.
- Add the remaining of the chicken stock along with the diced blood orange and diced Mango. Season with salt and pepper. Cook for 15-20 minutes on a low heat, stirring time to time. It is ready when the chicken is cooked. NOTE: All chicken are not of the same size: Use the Digital Thermometer to ensure the chicken is cooked through at 165°F/75C.1 blood orange, 1 mango, Sel Gris Mill, Pepper Mill
- Once your Blood Orange Chicken with Mango is ready, serve right away with coconut rice. Enjoy & Bon Appétit!
Credit: Jacqueline “Les Recettes de Jacre”, Recipe: Poulet à l’orange et mangue
Avec cette recette, je participe à la mise à l’honneur du blog de Jacqueline “Les Recettes de Jacre”, sur la page du groupe Tests de recettes entre blogueurs. Nous avons eu un gros coup de coeur pour ta recette, merci beaucoup!

Je suis une grande adepte de la cuisine sucrée salée , ta recette me séduit totalement
Tu ne pouvais pas me faire plus plaisir, j’adore la cuisine sucrée salée: Les combinaisons sont infinies!
C’est très sympa cette association !
Bisous belle journée ma nessa
Il a eu un franc succès ce plat à la maison. Bises Alicia, ~Nessa
Délicieux ! j’adore ces associations de saveurs ! bon dimanche, bises
Un vrai coup de coeurs pour cette belle recette ; une autre façon de cuisiner le poulet. Grosses Bises, ~Nessa
Une délicieuse façon de cuisiner le poulet ! J’adore les plats sucrés-salés !
Roh merci tout plein! J’ai craqué pour cette recette, un vrai plaisir. Grosses Bises, ~Nessa