Simnel Cake, an English Easter Tradition
Delight in the sweet and fruity flavors of Simnel Cake, a traditional English Easter treat! This classic recipe will transport you to the heart of British baking, with its rich history and irresistible taste. Get ready to savor every bite and experience Easter in a whole new way!
What is an English Simnel Cake? “Simnel cakes have been known since at least Medieval Times, it is a fruitcake widely eaten in the United Kingdom during the fourth Sunday in Lent “Simnel Sunday”. It is distinguished by layers of marzipan typically one in the middle and one on top, and a set of eleven balls made of the same paste (symbolizing the 12 apostles, minus Judas)” (Source: Wikipedia)
Enjoy this delicious recipe and more with bon COOK’s New FORTEEZ Medium Round Mold (Shopping Link HERE). Please let me know how you like this recipe by leaving a comment below!
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Simnel Cake, an English Easter Tradition
- 17.64 oz (500 g) marzipan
- 2.65 oz (75 g) raisins
- 2.65 oz (75 g) sultanas
- 2.65 oz (75 g) sun-dried cherries (Original recipe uses Currants)
- 5.29 oz (150 g) Candied fruits (Mix peel + glacé cherries)
- 1 blood orange zest
- 1 (60 g) Blood Orange juice
- 8.82 oz (250 g) spring water
- 7.94 oz (225 g) butter (Softened | At Room Temperature)
- 7.94 oz (225 g) light brown sugar
- 3 eggs (Large | At Room Temperature)
- 5.29 oz (150 g) all-purpose flour
- 5.29 oz (150 g) almond flour
- 1 tsp (4 g) baking powder
- 2 tsp (4 g) pumpkin pie spice
- 1 tsp (5 g) vanilla bean paste
- Place your Large Round Mold on the top of your Medium Perforated Baking Sheet. Set aside.
- Preheat oven to 300F/150C.
- Roll out a third of the marzipan to make a 9 inch | 23 cm circle in diameter and wrap in cling film the remainder for the cake topping. Set aside.7.94 oz butter
- In a microwave safe bowl, add the raisins, sultanas, sun-dried cherries, blood orange zest/juice and cover with spring water. Heat for 2 minutes. Set aside.
- In a mixing bowl, cream the butter and light brown sugar together until light and fluffy for 2 minutes on medium high speed.7.94 oz light brown sugar, 1 tsp vanilla bean paste, 3 eggs
- Add the eggs, all-purpose flour, almond flour, baking powder, pumpkin pie spice and vanilla bean paste. Mix until combined. Then, fold the drained fruits.5.29 oz all-purpose flour, 1 tsp baking powder, 2.65 oz sun-dried cherries, 2.65 oz raisins
- Pour half of your preparation into the Large Round Mold. Smooth the top using your spatula and cover with the circle of marzipan (If it is too big use a silicone proof knife to cut the extra). Add the rest of your preparation and smooth the top leaving a slight dip in the centre to allow for the cake to rise.
- Bake for 90 minutes at 300F/150C. (Every oven heats differently, monitor your Cake from 80 minutes). At the 60-minute mark, cover the cake with the octagonal mat so it does not get too brown. It is ready when the toothpick inserted comes out clean.
- Once your Simnel Cake is out of the oven, let it cool down in the mold for about 30 minutes. Then flip it over and wrap it in cling film while it is still warm. Let it cool down overnight. NOTE: In general, fruit cakes are always better the following day. As a result, if you slice it the same day it is baked, it will be all crumbly.
- Unwrap your cake and place it onto a Perforated Baking Sheet previously covered with a baking parchment.
- Roll out half of the marzipan to make a 9 inch | 23 cm circle in diameter and divide the other half in 11 balls of equal size.
- Brush the top of your cake with the apricot jam.
- Add the circle of marzipan on top and place around the 11 balls around the edge of the cake.
- Preheat the grill to high. Grill for 1–2 minutes, or until the top of the marzipan begins to brown. Alternatively, lightly heat the cake topping using a cook's blowtorch, until the marzipan is golden brown. NOTE: If placed under the grill keep a close eye on it as it will burn quickly.
- Allow the marzipan to completely cool down before slicing into the cake. NOTE: The center will look a bit unset that's normal, it is due to the marzipan layer in te center.
Credit: Recipe Inspired from “Simnel Cake BBC Food”
Qu’est-ce qu’un Simnel Cake Anglais ? “Les gâteaux Simnel sont connus depuis au moins l’époque médiévale, c’est un gâteau aux fruits sec et confis largement consommé au Royaume-Uni pendant le quatrième dimanche du Carême le “Simnel Sunday”. Il se distingue par des couches de massepain généralement une placée au milieu et une sur le dessus, avec un jeu de onze boules faites de la même pâte (symbolisant les 12 apôtres, moins Judas)” (Source : Wikipédia)

coucou c’est une pure gourmandise ce cake je suis fan, merci pour cette découverte, bisous
Si tu aimes les fruits confits et la pate d’amande comme moi, tu vas te régaler! Grosses Bises, Isa, à très vite! ~Nessa
Hummmmmm… J’en prendrais volontiers un bout
Avec plaisir! On en mange encore à la maison. C’est vrai que les cakes aux fruits confits se conservent bien 🙂 Bises et bon Dimanche, ~Nessa
Oh là là ! iL est magnifique ! J’adore les pâtisseries britanniques. J’avais vu une video sur YouTube sur cette spécialité. Il faudra que je le fasse ce joli cake.
Bonne journée, bises.
Tu ne seras pas déçue, c’est vraiment une spécialité traditionnelle d’Angleterre, nous on adore et comme ça se conserve bien, on en mange encore. Grosses Bises et Bon Dimanche, ~Nessa
Mais quelle découverte ! Il a l’air terriblement bon ce gâteau. Dès que je vois de la pâte d’amande,je craque !
Moi je suis comme toi avec la pâte d’amande 🙂 Nous on adore ce cake car même si Pâques est déjà passée on en profite encore car il se conserve hyper bien. Grosses Bises et mon Dimanche, ~Nessa
joli gâteau et de bons fruits
excellent après-midi bises
Merci Guy, l’avantage du cake Anglais, c’est qu’il se conserve longtemps donc tu peux en profiter pendant un bon moment. Bises, et bonne fin de weekend, ~Nessa