Risotto with Tomato Sauce and Hot Dogs (Microwave)
Revolutionize your microwave game with this mouthwatering fusion of creamy risotto, tangy tomato sauce, and crispy hot dogs! Perfect for busy weeknights or lazy cravings, this quick and easy recipe will have your taste buds singing with joy!
I discovered the beautiful blog of Sandrine (@mabulleauxdelices) through the fantastic Facebook Group “tests de recettes entre blogueurs”. This February 2023 our Group Challenge is to “HONOR ONE BLOGGER” who was picked randomly. I was not sure which recipe to pick because there are so many, so when Sara from our Facebook Group shared this risotto recipe, I was completely inspired. Of course, you will find Sandrine’s recipe right HERE!
I hope your will Enjoy this Recipe as much as I did! Bon Appétit!
For more Risotto Recipes, click HERE!
As always, you will find the Step-by-Step Video below the recipe.

Risotto with Tomato Sauce and Hot Dogs (Microwave)
- 1 1/2 Tbsp (20 g) butter (Melted)
- 1 sweet onion (Large | Finely Chopped )
- 1 Tbsp (15 g) olive oil
- 1 1/4 cups (250 g) Arborio rice
- 2 1/4 cups (530 g) vegetable stock
- 15 oz (425 g) tomato purée (1 can | Original recipe uses only 1/2 a can)
- 12 oz (340 g) hot dogs (Used Mini Beef Hot Dogs from "Fork in the Road")
- 1/4 cup (25 g) Grated Parmesan
- 1 Tbsp (8 g) Roasted Garlic and Chive Herb blend
- Sel Gris Mill (Season to Taste)
- Pepper Mill (Season to Taste)
- Place your Large Round Flexipan® Mold on the top of a microwave safe plate.
- Add the butter into your Flexipan® and cover with Octagonal Bonmat. Microwave on high for 30 seconds.
- Peel and cut your sweet onion into quarters and transfer it directly into your Eco Chop. Give it a few pulls to chop it to your liking. Set aside.
- Carefully remove the Octagonal Bonmat. Add the olive oil, chopped onion and Arborio rice. Mix, then cover with Octagonal Bonmat and microwave for 3 minutes.
- Carefully remove the Octagonal Bonmat from your Flexipan®. Stir in the vegetable stock. Cover with Octagonal Bonmat and microwave for 8 minutes.
- Then, mix in the tomato sauce. Cover with Octagonal Bonmat and microwave for an additional 8 minutes.
- While your rice is cooking in the microwave, sauté your mini hot dogs in the frying pan with a splash of water for 5-8 minutes on a medium heat. Use the Digital Thermometer to ensure the beef is warm to 165°F/75C.
- Stir in the parmesan cheese. Microwave, uncovered, on high for 2 more minutes, or until the rice is cooked.
- Let the risotto sit for one minute. Season with roasted garlic and chive herb blend, salt and pepper (to taste).
- Then, gently fold your sautéed hot dogs. Serve hot. Enjoy and Bon Appétit!
Special Notes

Avec cette recette je valide ma participation au défi du groupe Facebook “tests de recettes entre blogueurs”: Ce mois de Février 2023 “BLOG A L’HONNEUR”. Je souhaite à Sandrine du blog “Ma Bulle aux Délices” de continuer de nous régaler: Ta recette est extra on s’est resservi deux fois, merci beaucoup!

Oh tiens les grands esprits se rencontrent lol!
C’est tellement bon ce plat !
Bisous ma belle, bonne journée
Oui LOL, je viens de voir ca! J’ai beaucoup aimé ce plat. Hate de faire le tient aussi! Je te souhaite de passer un bon weekend ~Nessa
Il est superbe !
merci d’avoir tester ma recette
je te prend une photo pour une futur mise à l’honneur
Coucou Sandrine, je te remercie pour la superbe recette! C’était un régal, on m’en a redemandé. Passes de belles vacances profites bien de ta famille! Bisous, ~Nessa