King’s Galettes with Chocolate Almond Cream
If you have been following me for a while, you must know how much I enjoy the recipes from Delphine (@ohlagourmande). However, something you might not know is that we are both part of a fantastic Facebook Group “tests de recettes entre blogueurs”. This January 2023 our Group Challenge was to pick a “KING’S GALETTE / BRIOCHE” from another blogger. Hence, I fell in love with Delphine’s recipe because what’s not to love with a galette filled with chocolate. Of course, you will find her recipe right HERE!
I hope your will Enjoy this Galette des Rois Recipe as much as I did! Bon Appétit!
For more King’s Galette and Brioche recipes, click HERE!
As always, you will find the Step-by-Step Video below the recipe.
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King’s Galettes with Chocolate Almond Cream
- 2 Puff pastry sheets
- 3 1/2 oz (100 g) dark chocolate chunks
- 7 tbsp (100 g) butter
- 3 1/2 oz (100 g) almond flour
- 1/3 cup (70 g) sugar
- 2 eggs (Beaten)
- 2 egg yolks (1 for the First Layer | 1 for the Second Layer)
- Place the dark chocolate chunks with the softened butter into the Mini Round Mold. Heat in the microwave for 30 seconds. Then stir until combined. Set aside.
- In your mixing bowl, whisk the almond flour together with the sugar. Make a well. Mix in the eggs, then add your cooled chocolate preparation. Mix until all is combined. Refrigerate for 30 minutes minimum.
- Place your Medium bonMAT™ on the top of your Medium Perforated Baking Sheet.
- Roll the puff pastry directly onto your bonMAT™, into a large rectangle. Cut your circles using your pastry knife. Refrigerate.
- Roll your second puff pastry onto the Roul'Pat® into a large rectangle. Cut your circles using your pastry knife. Refrigerate while taking your first pastry tray out.
- Gently spread your chocolate almond cream on the top of your first puff pastry leaving 1"/2cm on the sides. Now, it's time to add your Trinket (1, 2 or more). For this recipe I added none.
- Brush the sides of your galettes with a bit of water.
- Take your second puff pastry tray out of the fridge and flip each circles on top. Press all around to seal it. Return to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
- VERY IMPORTANT: When it is time to take your Galette out of the refrigerator, flip it onto another Silpain® / perforated baking sheet. This will allow your King's galette to rise straight-up.
- Brush the egg yolk on the top of your King's galette. Let it set in the fridge for another 30 minutes, then brush a second layer to get a golden effect.
- Preheat oven to 350F/180C.
- Take your Galettes out of the refrigerator. With a sharp knife, design the top Pastry as you wish. And with a tooth pick make 5 to 10 holes around your King's Cake so it rises evenly.
- Bake for 25 minutes at 350F/180C. (Every oven heats differently, monitor your galettes from 22min)
- Once your Mini King's Galette with Chocolate Almond Cream are out of the oven, let them completely cool down. Then, slide them onto your service plate. Enjoy & Bon Appétit!
Special Notes

Avec cette recette je valide ma participation au défi du mois de Janvier 2023 “Galette / Couronne des Rois” du groupe Facebook “tests de recettes entre blogueurs” Je remercie Delphine du blog “Oh, la gourmande!” chez qui j’ai déniché cette délicieuse recette.

Un grand merci pour ta confiance je me permets de te prendre une photo pour une future mise à l’honneur
Coucou Delphine! Franchement il n’y a rien de meilleur quand c’est fait avec du chocolat! Encore une superbe recette et découverte pour moi! Passes une belle semaine et je te souhaite une heureuse nouvelle année! Grosses Bises ~Nessa