Easter Chocolate Nests (M&Ms)
I discovered the beautiful blog of Annyvonne (@annyvonne_postic_thithoad) through the fantastic Facebook Group “tests de recettes entre blogueurs”. This April 2023 our Group Challenge was to pick an “EASTER RECIPE” from another blogger. Hence, I fell in love with Annyvonne’s recipe because it simply looked gorgeous and I needed to use some of Easter Bunny’s Chocolate! Of course, you will find her recipe right HERE!
I hope your will Enjoy this Chocolate Cake recipe as much as I did! Bon Appétit!
For more Easter Recipes , click HERE!
As always, you will find the Step-by-Step Video below the recipe.

Easter Chocolate Nests (M&Ms)
- 3 eggs
- 8 Tbsp (115 g) butter (Melted)
- 1/4 cup (65 g) heavy cream (Original Recipe calls for Milk)
- 1 3/4 cup (200 g) powdered sugar
- 1 2/3 cup (210 g) all-purpose flour
- 1/3 cup (30 g) unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1/2 Tbsp (6 g) baking powder
- 4 oz (113.4 g) dark chocolate chunks
- 1/2 cup (120 g) heavy whipping cream
- candy coated chocolate pieces (Mms | Spring Edition)
- Place your Mini Bon Flexipat® Tray on the top of your Medium Perforated Baking Sheet. Set aside.
- Preheat oven to 350F/180C.
- Place butter in a small sauce pan and heat on medium until melted. Set aside.
- In a mixing bowl, whisk the eggs together with the powdered sugar. Add the heavy whipping cream and cooled melted butter. Combine the all-purpose flour, baking powder and the unsweetened cocoa powder. Mix until smooth.
- Scoop your batter into your Mini Bon Flexipat® Tray.
- Bake for 22 minutes at 350F/180C. (Every oven heats differently, monitor your cake from 20min). It is ready when the toothpick inserted comes out clean.
- Once your Easter Chocolate Nests (M&Ms) are out of the oven, let them cool down for a couple of minutes. Then, flip onto your cooling rack and prepare the chocolate ganache.
- Pour the Heavy Whipping Cream into the Mini Round Mold and bring it just to a boil in microwave, about 30 seconds at a time (1 minute total). Add the dark chocolate chips and swirl to coat all chips. Allow to sit for 2 minutes, then stir.
- Decorate to your liking: I used M&Ms. Enjoy & Bon Appétit!
Special Notes

Avec cette recette je valide ma participation au défi du mois d’Avril 2023 “Les Gourmandises de Pâques” du groupe Facebook “tests de recettes entre blogueurs” Je remercie Annyvonne du blog “Les Délices de Thithoad” chez qui j’ai déniché cette délicieuse recette.

coucou ils sont jutes magnifiques, bisous
Oh merci on les avait beaucoup aimé! Bises, ~Nessa
Bine gourmands ces petits nids. Bises Nessa
Merci ma Jackie, je suis contente qu’ils te plaisent! Gros Bisous, ~Nessa
Je pensais déjà les avoir vu mais j’ai du me tromper lol, ils donnent trop envie et sont vraiment trop mignon avec leurs couleurs !
Gros bisous bon week end
Coucou Miss, tu as du les voir sur FB ou Insta, moi aussi je m’y perds parfois. En tous les cas, tu as toujours un petit mot sympa, cela me touche beaucoup, Gros bisous, ~Nessa
On a juste envie de croquer dans ces petites merveilles ! bises
Merci tout plein! Je te laisse croquer avec plaisir, ca se mange sans faim (et sans fin LOL), bisous Emilie, ~Nessa
Oh comme c’est gourmand j’adore
Bonne journée
Ouiiiii et parfait pour liquider tes chocolats de Pâques qui trainent encore un peu à la maison. Grosses Bises et bonne journée! ~Nessa