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All about Japanese Matcha (March in Green)

You will find HERE a selection of my favorite Japanese Matcha Recipes from the blog.

Did you know that Matcha is made from finely ground whole green tea leaves, making it more potent than other brewed teas. When you drink matcha, you get 100% of the nutrients, including vitamins, fiber and 137 times the antioxidants of a cup of regularly brewed green tea! (Source: Spoon University).

I hope your will Enjoy these Matcha Recipes as much as I did! As always, make sure to leave me a comment to tell me how YOU like it! Bon Appétit!

1 | White Chocolate Matcha Coconut Cake (Gluten Free)

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2 | Raspberry Matcha Sponge Cake

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3 | Oven Baked Fluffy Matcha Pancakes

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4 | Strawberry Matcha Almond Financier

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5 | French “Crêpes” With Japanese Matcha

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6 | Japanese Matcha Buttermilk Pancakes

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6 Comments on “All about Japanese Matcha (March in Green)

    • C’est vrai que le matcha c’est assez particulier soit on adore, soit on aime pas du tout. Mais quand on aime, il est vrai que ces recettes sont extras! Grosses Bises et belle semaine à toi! ~Nessa

    • Merci Vaness’, c’est une vraie gourmandise pour les amoureux du Matcha, contente que ça te plaise. Grosses Bises, ~Nessa

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