Traditional Icelandic Pancakes | Pönnukökur (Crêpes)
Icelandic pancakes, “Pönnukökur” are crepe-like pancakes enjoyed on January 25th each year. They are best served with homemade rhubarb jam and whipped cream. Also, some people like to cover them in sugar, roll them up and fold them in two to be eaten like a hot dog.
On Iceland’s northernmost tip — just over 40 miles from the Arctic Circle — a small fishing town perched on a fjord spends over eight weeks of winter in darkness. On January 25 each year, the sun finally arrives at “Sólgata” (Sun Street) in Ísafjörður. To celebrate, families and friends gather for “Sólarkaffi” (Sun coffee), and “Sólarpönnukökur” (Sun pancakes) to welcome the return of the sun. (Re. Atlas Obscura)
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Traditional Icelandic Pancakes | Pönnukökur (Crêpes)
- 2.12 oz (60 g) butter (Melted)
- 5.65 oz (160 g) all-purpose flour
- 1/2 tsp (2 g) baking powder
- 1 tsp (2 g) ground cardamom
- 1/2 tsp (3 g) sea salt
- 2 eggs (Large | At Room Temperature)
- 1 Tbsp (15 g) coffee (Freshly brewed)
- 1/2 tsp (2.5 g) vanilla bean paste
- 18 oz (510 g) milk (At Room Temperature)
- rhubarb jam (Four Fruits Spread | St Dalfour)
- whipped cream
- granulated sugar (To sprinkle while hot)
- Place butter in a small sauce pan. Heat on low until the butter has melted. Set aside.2.12 oz butter
- In a mixing bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, baking powder, ground cardamom and sea salt.5.65 oz all-purpose flour, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp ground cardamom, 1/2 tsp sea salt, 2 eggs, 1 Tbsp coffee, 1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste, 18 oz milk
- Make a well, add the eggs, freshly brewed coffee, vanilla bean paste and 1/2 of the milk. Start mixing from the center going outwards taking a little bit of flour at a time. NOTE: This is the secret to get a batter with no lumps! Add the rest of the milk and the melted butter.
- Heat your Traditional Icelandic Pönnukökur pan if you have one, or a regular Pancake pan on a medium heat 5 minutes prior starting making your "Crêpes".When ready, lightly oil the surface with a kitchen towel and pour one large scoop of batter in your pan, spreading it over while moving your pan into a gentle circle.Once one side is cooked, flip it over. Cook it for a few seconds more. Enjoy & Bon Appétit!
- Icelandic pancakes, “Pönnukökur” are crepe-like pancakes best served with homemade rhubarb jam and whipped cream, folded in triangle.rhubarb jam, whipped cream
- Also, some people like to cover them in sugar, roll them up and fold them in two to be eaten like a hot dog. Which one will you choose? We liked them both. Enjoy & Bon Appétit!granulated sugar
Credit: Becky from the blog The Storied Recipe ; Recipe: Traditional Pönnukökur: Icelandic Pancakes (Crepes). After making a lot of research to find the most authentic recipe for the Pönnukökur. I am over the moon with this recipe, it turned out better than expected. Thank you! ~Nessa
Les “Pönnukökur”, vous connaissez? Ces crêpes Islandaises qui ressemblent fortement à nos crêpes sont dégustées tous les 25 janvier pour célébrer le retour du soleil. Sur la pointe la plus septentrionale de l’Islande – à un peu plus de 65 km du cercle polaire arctique – une petite ville de pêcheurs perchée sur un fjord passe plus de huit semaines d’hiver dans l’obscurité. Aux alentours du 25 janvier, le soleil arrive enfin à “Sólgata” (Rue du Soleil) à Ísafjörður. Pour célébrer, les familles et les amis se réunissent pour un “Sólarkaffi” (café au soleil) et des “Sólarpönnukökur” (crêpes au soleil) pour accueillir le retour du soleil. (Re. Atlas Obscura) Elles sont servies avec de la confiture de rhubarbe maison et de la crème fouettée. Certaines personnes aiment les saupoudrer de sucre, puis les rouler et les plier en deux pour les manger comme un hot-dog. Lequelles sont vos préférées ?
Avec cette recette, je participe au Rendez-vous culinaire du Dimanche des Gourmandises organisé par Isabelle du blog Une Ribambelle d’histoires, allez-voir ce que les Marmitonnes ont préparé de bons cette semaine.