Savory Sweet Potato Waffles (DF)
I discovered the beautiful blog of Adeline (“Enileda et Sa Popotte”) through the fantastic Facebook Group “tests de recettes entre blogueurs”. This February 2023 our Group Challenge was to pick a “CHANDELEUR RECIPE” from another blogger. Hence, I fell in love with Adeline’s recipe because I am used to eat Sweet Waffles and this was a first! Of course, you will find her recipe right HERE!
I hope your will Enjoy this waffle Recipe as much as I did! Bon Appétit!
For more Waffles recipes, click HERE!
As always, you will find the Step-by-Step Video below the recipe.

Savory Sweet Potato Waffles (DF)
- 28 oz (800 g) Sweet Potatoes (About 2 Large Sweet Potatoes)
- 3/4 cup (95 g) all-purpose flour
- 1/2 tbsp (6 g) baking powder
- 1/3 tsp (0.67 g) ground nutmeg
- Sel Gris Mill (Season to Taste)
- Pepper Mill (Season to Taste)
- 2 eggs
- 1 Tbsp (15 g) olive oil
- Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil.
- Wash and peel your sweet potatoes. Dice them into cubes. Then, cook them covered for 15 minutes. They are ready when fork tender. Drain and wash them with a fork. Set aside to cool down.
- Preheat oven to 400F/200C. Place your Waffle Flexipat® Tray on the top of your Medium Perforated Baking Sheet.
- In your mixing bowl, combine the all-purpose flour, baking powder and ground nutmeg. Season with salt and pepper. Make a well, add the eggs and EVOO. Mix until it is all combined.
- Scoop the batter into the Flexipat® (About 1 scoop per well) and flatten using your offset spatula.
- Bake for 20 minutes at 400F/200C. (Every oven heats differently, monitor your waffles from 18min).
- Once your Savory Sweet Potato Waffles are out of the oven, let them cool down for about 1min. Then, Unmold, Serve as is or with a poached egg on top! Enjoy and Bon Appétit!
Special Notes

Avec cette recette je valide ma participation au défi du mois de Février 2023 “La Chandeleur” du groupe Facebook “tests de recettes entre blogueurs” Je remercie Adeline du blog “Enileda et Sa Popotte” chez qui j’ai déniché cette délicieuse recette.

Une délicieuse idée que ces gaufres à la pâte douce. J’adorE l’oeuf poché. À retenir. belle journée
Merci Jackie! Oui franchement l’oeuf poché avec la patate douce, ça passe vraiment tout seul! Il me manquait juste une bonne baguette fraîche 🙂 Bises, ~Nessa